Okay, so I have been hearing about body brushing for several years now. I have seen instagram videos of social media influencers swearing by body brushing and claiming that it makes their skin more supple, vibrant, and smooth. Sooooo, is it true? If I had to answer with exclusively my own experience, I would have to say…YES!
First, what is body brushing?
Dry body brushing is a practice that has been used for centuries by many different cultures, however, it is more closely associated with ayurvedic practice in which a soft bristled brush is gently swept across the skin. This ancient practice has been performed to treat countless ailments and to encourage a healthy immune system.
What are the benefits?
Some of the benefits that have been claimed, although research on the topic is spotty are:
Improved circulation
Improved immune system
Improved lymphatic drainage
Smoother and more supple skin, including a reduction in the appearance of cellulite
What are the risks and who should avoid it?
This is the exact brush I bought from Target.
There are a few risks to dry body brushing that do need to be considered. If you have sensitive skin or are prone to skin breakage, you should probably avoid body brushing. Any skin abnormalities such as skin tags, moles, or rashes can be exacerbated or irritated with the use of a body brush. If the brush is too stiff or coarse, it may cause microscopic tears in the skin that can get irritated or infected. Be sure to clean your brush regularly with warm soap and water and make sure you air dry it completely before its next use. If you are new to body brushing, consider using an extra soft bristled brush to start with and go slow with light pressure.
What kind of brush and what’s the technique?
I don’t think you can go wrong with a body brush found at Target (that’s where I found mine). I would encourage you to buy it in person so you can feel the bristles before taking it home. If you purchase online, it may be difficult to get a feel for it. Be sure to wash your brush before your first use. Other people may have already touched it…ew. The general rule is to brush toward your heart. So start at the feet and work your way upward. This will encourage good circulation back to your heart from your extremities. Avoid any sensitive areas like your stomach, neck, or face. Be sure to clean your brush after each use. Also make sure to rinse your body to remove the dead skin cells after brushing.
There’s a lot of information out there but I am a big fan of natural is better and this seems like a really great natural solution to improve your overall skin health. I was astounded the first time I tried body brushing. Not only could I see the skin cells coming off in a cloud, I could feel a clear different in the smoothness of my skin even the next day. It’s worth a try!