Making Fitness Fun

I am a firm believer that in order for you to commit to movement and fitness, it must be fun. And fun is different for everyone! This past month we implemented the August challenge. We are already halfway through the month and some of our members have already met their goal of 20 classes in 31 days! Most of those who have participated in the challenge were more excited about the camaraderie and fun that the group was having amidst the challenge and less concerned about the prize they would receive at the end. These members have proven themselves to be motivated and dedicated to completing this challenge. I’m really excited for them. If you missed the challenge, don’t worry. I am already in the planning stages of an October challenge.

In order to commit to a plan and keep our bodies moving, we must enjoy what we are doing. There’s no need to punish your body with hours and hours of grueling unenjoyable workouts. Make it fun. Find a group that lets you be free to move in a way that feels good for you. Find a workout buddy that holds you accountable. If it stops being fun, change something. Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing some of the ways that I keep fitness fun personally!