What is a Temazcal? 5 Things to Know before you Try

A prayer and intention are set prior to the ceremony

Temazcal is something that was completely foreign to me when I first made the decision to visit a new retreat center in Riviera Maya, Mexico called Alma Maya. I had heard of others’ experiences in passing and remembered words like, sweat lodge, transcendental, purification, meditation, and hot! I figured since we were there to explore and scout out a new retreat center, I wanted to see and do as much as I could to get a real “taste” of the venue. One of the items on the list was the Temazcal. Temazcal is an ancient pre-Hispanic Mesoamerica ritual thats purpose is purification and healing. The tradition typically happens in a dome-shaped structure that simulates the womb. During this ceremony which usually takes a couple of hours, participants enter the dome and stay there the entire time. Since I didn’t know what I was getting into, I thought this would be a great opportunity to share the most important things I think people should know before committing to and participating in Temazcal.

1. Temazcal Ceremony will include physical discomfort

The prayer and purification prior to entering the dome

It’s important to be aware that you WILL be uncomfortable at some point during the ceremony and ritual. Part of the experience is to learn to breathe through that, center your focus, clear your mind, and eliminate the negative voice in your head. There are many spiritual aspects of this ceremony (some I understood and some were completely over my head) but the intention is to purify and heal the body and mind. If you are claustrophobic, uncomfortable in high temperatures, anxious about not knowing what to expect, be prepared. This is not for the faint of heart and you WILL be taken out of your comfort zone. The biggest preparation that I can give those who haven’t done this is that there are four different phases of the ritual signifying the 4 elements: water, earth, fire, and air. You have no concept of time within the adobe walls of the dome, it is completely dark, and at times can feel difficult to breathe. At one point, one of our guests asked how much longer it was going to be and the shaman told her “might be 5 minutes, might be 50”. This can cause a LOT of anxiety with people…the not knowing.

2. Temazcal will include emotional and mental discomfort

Along with the intense heat and darkness, you will experience emotional and mental discomfort. Often this can take the form of “talking yourself out of it”, or convincing yourself that you can’t do it. If you are suffering from any type of trauma or mental health issues, this can really bring to light a lot of emotions buried beneath the surface. When you are placed in a situation where there is no stimulation or distraction of any sort, it’s a perfect opportunity to sit with some of the feelings that are deep within the subconscious mind. If this frightens you, this may not be for you…or maybe it is the perfect thing for you.

3. There are many physical benefits of Temazcal

There are several physical benefits of Temazcal including improved circulation and blood flow, flushing toxins out of the body, improvements in skin, and has been known to aid in weight loss. While I couldn’t find any definitive data on the true nature of Temazcals physical benefits, I would equate similar data that has been acquired from the use of steam rooms for the above benefits. I think that the mental improvements can often outweigh the physiological benefits. This is an incredibly meditative, grounding, and centering spiritual ceremony that can have a powerful impact on your own mental and emotional clarity. If that is something you seek, this may be the perfect experience.

4. Prepare your body for the event

Cool plunge pool under the moonlight

As I mentioned earlier, it is going to be HOT. And it’s going to continue to get hotter and hotter through the phases of the ceremony. There will be short reprieves from the heat in between the phases but just when you think you might be getting close to the end, more heat comes. I do believe there was a tremendous amount of steam that was on my body but there was also a lot of sweating happening as well. Make sure you are well hydrated prior to the ceremony. I would not recommend eating a large meal right before the ritual as well. It’s not something that feels great on a full stomach. Proper hydration is really the most important. Plan to drink as much as 100 ounces in the hours leading up to the ceremony depending on your body weight. Wear as little clothing as possible. We performed it in our bathing suits but I have heard some have gone into the ceremony completely naked.

5. You can and should be able to leave any time you want

This is something that should be discussed with the shaman or leader of the Temazcal prior to the ceremony. However, if you are feeling uncomfortable, light-headed, or faint at any time and wish to leave, you should be able to. This is a ceremony that is rooted in ancient spiritual traditions and you should be aware of that prior to attending. Someone exiting the dome at any time can impact the ceremony and be distracting. However, this shouldn’t deter you from trying it as I think there’s something for everyone in this type of ceremony. After the ritual, there’s usually a cool plunge pool to dip into after. That might have been my favorite part.

Temazcal is definitely an incredible experience for anyone who is open to the journey. While it is not for everyone, I think it’s something that should be respected and appreciated for what it is and it’s an incredible way to connect with the ancient people who came before us.

Why I chose Costa Rica for my Yoga Training

I began my journey with Yoga back in 2011 with a group called Yoga Legacy. I had worked with Pat and Kaye and trusted their expertise and enjoyed their teaching style. The process of becoming a fully-certified 200-hour yoga teacher is not for the faint of heart. At the time, there weren’t many companies offering Yoga Teacher Training (YTT). My goal at the time was merely to become a more versatile group fitness instructor. There was really no long term objective. My employer was reimbursing me for the cost, which was very expensive. Yoga teacher trainings can range in price from $3000 to $5000 depending on the organization. Yoga Legacy was reasonable and offered the flexibility of receiving the training over the course of 10 months. Midway through my training, my company stopped reimbursing for the cost of the training. I had already been teaching for the better part of 6 months as I wasn’t required to hold an RYT with Yoga Alliance to teach a fitness yoga class. I merely needed the fundamentals. That’s where my yoga training took a 7 year hiatus. I continue to teach a yoga class based in fitness but the last few years I have felt that something was missing from my practice as well as my ability to teach others. I realized that at this point in my life, I am ready to finish what I have started. Fitness is an ever-evolving cycle of trends, new research, conflicting data, and novel modalities. Each year it seems we have a new trend in fitness. Indoor cycling was the rage for a long time and while still popular, has started to taper off. Just last year, Pilates reformer studios were popping up like McDonald’s, each promising the newest equipment, best trained instructors, and revolutionary workouts. The one constant and that which is resistant to the fluctuations in trends and style is yoga. Why is that? It’s because yoga is not about fitness. Let me clarify. The meaning of the word yoga is defined as “tying the strands of the mind together”. Yoga is the culmination of so many different things collectively and individually. It is realizing that there is a power greater than ourselves. It is the ability to become closer to that power. It is the understanding of our body, how it works together as well as how it interacts with the universe. It is breath, it is movement, it is life. It is a practice ultimately of achieving that which was once unachievable.

My yoga “practice” up until this point consisted of a sequence of poses, guided through breath, beginning with a warm up, and finishing with a meditation of sorts. I wanted more than that. I wanted to truly be immersed in the practice and use it to grow and improve as a human being as well as a fitness instructor. I wanted to be completely immersed in it. I didn’t want to just spend one weekend a month, or every other weekend, in a classroom learning the poses, breathing techniques, formatting a class, etc. I thought about my options. If money were no object, what would I do? I have heard of people going to Tibet or India for month long immersions. Realistically, I couldn’t make this work. I couldn’t be away from work that long and I certainly didn’t want to be away from my family for that long. Next option, please. Two week immersions in Costa Rica or Thailand. Okay, maybe I can work with that. I reached out to a yoga instructor I knew who did immersions and she recommended Blue Osa. I couldn’t believe how inexpensive the actual training was in comparison to all the other YTT organizations I had found in North Carolina. I had to get there, of course, which was nothing to sneeze at. However, the tuition included 3 plant-based meals a day and lodging on the breathtaking Osa Peninsula in the southwest corner of Costa Rica. The bonus was that I would be completely immersed in it for 15-days. I would learn from a true guru, someone who can show me the way to my own path. I am looking forward to that.

I hope to share my journey along the way. I am currently reading through some of the required reading for my training. I am in the middle of “The Heart of Yoga” by TKV Desikachar, which has really opened my eyes to what yoga really is. It’s confusing as hell to me but it’s my path and my journey and I am embracing everything about it. More to come…


Wellness Retreats

When I first decided to embark on the business of wellness/yoga retreats, the idea I had in mind seemed way too daunting for someone just getting into it. Eight years ago, in passing, I mentioned to a friend how much I would love to plan a week-long vacation for individuals who wanted to embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement. What an awesome idea! I thought about the possibility of traveling to Costa Rica, eating (mostly) healthy foods, beginning the day with morning meditations and yoga practice, giving each participant individualized attention as it relates to their personal fitness and wellness goals, and providing a high-end but affordable vacation centering on wellness. But a week is a really long time with tons of planning, no concept of the potential problems I might run into or money that might need to be spent. So I decided to start small with weekend adventures to mostly easy-to-get-to locations. Our first wellness retreat will be in Banner Elk, NC in January. I am honestly so excited about this adventure. I have partnered up with an amazing pair of women who specialize in preparing and cooking mostly organic, locally grown, plant based foods. They will provide the catering for both of our dinners and both breakfasts and the menu looks OUTSTANDING!

Our weekend will consist of group bonding activities, individual introspective journaling activities, guided nature walks, morning yoga and meditation, afternoon optional workouts, and lots of fun!

I am not under the illusion that it will be a flawless event. I am prepared for unexpected things to happen but I am excited about the opportunity to be a part of the personal growth of each of these amazing women. I am also looking forward to sharing my experience here with you. Look out for many more wellness retreats in the future. In fact, where would you like to see an upcoming retreat and when?